Returning to work
Re-entering the workforce
- Discover what is important to you, what your individual strengths, skills and interests are. Find a career direction which will fit you well and develop a plan for moving forward.
- Worried your skills are out of date?
- Never really had a career and don't know where to start?
- Are you after a change in career direction?
- Has your confidence taken a dive? We will help you understand what you can offer an employer and give you direction
- Help - I need jobsearch skills starting with a fresh CV?
- By identifying your personality traits, skills and motivations utilising our online tools we can come up with suitable career directions. This will give you a clear direction, plus we can work with you at each step in the jobsearch process to support your transition back to work.
Why use online tools?
Online tools speed up the process of collecting specific information about you, your personality, skills, values etc. This allows us to effectively focus on the issues important to you and to help you understand your situation and to work on devising plans/goals to enhance your personal satisfaction in your career.